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Common Health Problems in Elderly or Old Age Problems

Health Problems in Elderly

Health Problems in Elderly or Old Age Problems As we enter our elderly, we observe more physical symptoms with the passage of time, for example, developing wrinkles, articulated snicker lines, and silver hair. However, in our elderly, we can likewise encounter some medical issues that probably would not be as noticeable. It is significant that […]

Current Trends of Education 2020

non formal education

Why should we study the current trends of Education? Explain the relative  Importance of their modes of education (formal, informal and non-formal) for solving major educational issues and problem in Pakistan. Need for current trends of Education: Methods of Education:             Modes of learning are a lot of rules that portray the strategies people use to procure, […]

Independence Day celebrations and Pakistan

Pakistani Flag

When the word patriotism comes to our mind, all we think of is our country. Patriotism is a sense of attachment and devotion to one’s country and nation. When we talk about Pakistan’s nationalism we know it is more about religious pride than ethnic or cultural as Islam was the base behind the establishment of […]

Best Home Remedies for Sore throat

Lemon water

Home Remedies for Sore throat A sore throat can be entirely distressing. The fundamental indications are torment and disturbance in the throat; particularly while ingestion of food and liquids. A sensitive sore throat happens as a major aspect of the body’s safe reaction to viral or bacterial diseases. The normal invulnerable reaction prompts irritation and […]

Trending Bedroom walls decoration ideas 2020

wall to wall pattern

Out of every space at home, your bedroom is without a doubt the most personal. It’ where you recharge, reflect on the day, and even spend time reading a book, so it only makes sense for it to feature the right color palette and furnishing. And let’s not forget that it also has to showcase […]