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Here Are Some Tips for Long and Shiny Hair

 Importance of Hair

long and shiny hair                                     

Hair is a very important subject for women and their self-esteem. Beautiful hair plays an important role in the beauty of women or men. Shiny long hairs make women more attractive and pretty. As, women are very conscious about their looks and beauty so they are very touchy about their hair, length, and color. 

Shiny, healthy, and lengthy hairs leave a good impression. Everybody wants long and shiny hair. It’s a matter of self-love, self-esteem, and charming looks. 

Role of Hair Care

For the sake of healthy and beautiful hair, proper hair care is very important. Haircare is done by using different hair products. But the products available in the market are not trustworthy because they contain lots of chemicals that can devastate hair growth instead of boosting it. Hair products should be selected after the complete information of your hair type and the ingredients used in the formation of any hair product. 

Selection of Hair Product

The selection of hair products for long and shiny hairs is quite difficult because having information on all ingredients is a very difficult and long procedure. Products of different brands available in the market give fast results but that artificial result disappears quickly. So, we should select that product which contains natural ingredients and provide long term results without damaging hairs health.

Homemade Products

Home-made remedies are chemicals free and made up of fresh products. You prepare them with your hands so tension free from the presence of any harmful ingredient. These kinds of remedies are also easy to use. 

Following are some home-made remedies for silky, smooth, and long hair:

Egg Mask for Dandruff

egg mask

  1.  Egg = 1
  2. Honey =2table spoon
  3. Lemon =2 tablespoon
  4. Castor oil =2tb

How to Use

Mix all the ingredients well and apply to your scalp. Take a shower cap and put it on your hairs and leave for a half-hour to 45 min. After that wash your head with mild shampoo using freshwater. 

Banana Mask for Split Ends

Banana Mask


1. banana

2. 2tb honey 

3. 2tb Almond oil       

How to Use    

Mix all the ingredients well, so that the solution should be lump-free. Apply it to your hairs and scalp as well and then wait for a half-hour to take shower.

Yogurt-egg Mask for Silky And Smooth Hair

Yogurt-egg mask

  1. 4 to 5tb Yogurt 
  2. 1 Egg yolk 
  3. 2tb Tea tree oil 

How to Use

You need to mix all the three ingredients well and apply them to your hair before the bath. Tee tree oil is optional. If u have tee tree oil then it’s well and good but if you don’t have it, no worries its fine. Just mix egg yolk and yogurt and apply directly to your hairs. 

Aloe Vera Gel

aloe Vera gel for hair

Take a fresh aloe Vera leaf and extract its gel from it and use it directly from your scalp. It prevents dandruff and boosts hair growth.


onion juice              

Take a medium onion, grate it, and then put it in any strainer to strain the juice. Apply this juice on your scalp with the help of a cotton pad. Dip a small cotton pad in onion juice and lightly press it on the scalp. 

Onion contains Sulphur which is a natural anti-septic so it prevents our scalp from dangerous bacteria so, makes our hair soft and shiny.


Rice water for hair                   

Take a cup of rice and 2 cups of water. Boil the rice in 2 cups of water. After 5 to 10 mints strain that water from rice and put this water in any shower bottle. It will be easy to apply on the scalp with the help of a shower bottle. 

Rice water is very good for hair health. It helps to lessen dandruff. 

Some Important And Instant Tips to Boost Hair Growth

  1. Comb your hairs 100 times in the night before sleeping
  2. Don’t tie your hairs very tight while sleeping.
  3. Apply oil to your hairs before taking a bath
  4. Don’t comb wet hairs 
  5. Don’t tie wet hairs
  6. Avoid using an electric dryer, always prefer natural air to dry your hairs 


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