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Top 9+ Endangered Species on the Land of Asia (Sumatran tiger)

Top Endangered Species on the Land of Asia Endangered species is one that is likely at the risk of extinction either worldwide or in a specific jurisdiction. Across the Globe approximately 27,000 species and even more are at the verge of extinction, says IUCN. Among them, some of the Asian species are critically endangered, whose […]

Top 10 Most Beautiful Capitals in The World

List of Attractive World’s Capitals The capital of any country is the most important, beautiful, and well-managed city. It is the land area in a country where all of the important government meetings take place. It is also the place of residency and offices of government officials, senior political leaders, and other regulatory authorities. Here, […]

Best Low Light Indoor Plants

Best low light indoor plants to make your space eye relaxing Low Light Indoor Plants are used for decorative purposes in homes and offices and give us fresh and clean air. Plants are nature friendly and make our place extremely beautiful and attractive. In this article, we will talk about houseplants and their decoration ideas. […]

Climate/Environmental Changes in Pakistan

Climate Change

All you need to know about environmental or climate changes in Pakistan Climate/environmental change is a change in average climate conditions like temperature,  rainfall, The worldwide climate is the associated arrangement of sun, earth and seas, wind, deserts, forest, snow and savannas, and everything individuals do, as well. The climate of a place can be […]

The World’s 7 most Ancient Rivers

Fink river

Finke   River                                                                                                            […]