Best Indoor Plant Fertilizer
Fertilizer is not plant food. Plants actually make their food using light in a process called photosynthesis. The way that it works is that light hits the surface of a leaf or a green stem and then specific cells convert this light into sugars that then can be used by the plant. So yes, the best fertilizer is not plant food, […]
Top Money Plants to Have in House (Part II)
Anthurium Anthurium is the most beautiful indoor plant available in different colors like pink, red, purple, and white and their heart-shaped flowers make more it adorable. Anthurium plants like bright indirect sunlight and grow in low light but it affects growth level. Anthurium plant needs moist soil only. We can put it on the table […]
Best Low Light Indoor Plants
Best low light indoor plants to make your space eye relaxing Low Light Indoor Plants are used for decorative purposes in homes and offices and give us fresh and clean air. Plants are nature friendly and make our place extremely beautiful and attractive. In this article, we will talk about houseplants and their decoration ideas. […]
Trending Bedroom walls decoration ideas 2020

Out of every space at home, your bedroom is without a doubt the most personal. It’ where you recharge, reflect on the day, and even spend time reading a book, so it only makes sense for it to feature the right color palette and furnishing. And let’s not forget that it also has to showcase […]
Top Trending Walls decoration ideas 2020

Trending Wall decoration ideas 2020 When someone wants to decor his home and creating a certain ambiance. It not only decorates the wall but also enhances the touch and feel of the area. Regardless of what your style is, wall decor tricks can amp up your walls and bring out your character and taste. Whether […]